Project Description


In collaboration with Kurtzfilmtage Oberhausen

This section will propose special selections of short films and audiovisual material of great value produced by Festivals similar to Visioni Fantastiche.
This year’s Special Selection will be a series of short films selected by the historical Kurtzfilmtage of Oberhausen (Germany). They are productions of great quality that the German Festival proposes as film programmes addressed to the little ones but able to fascinate all ages.

  • Sunday October 27, 12:00am | FREE ENTRANCE

Sunday October 27, 12:00am – VERA NEUBAUER’s recovered shorts

In the early 1970s, Czechoslovakian-born filmmaker Vera Neubauer made six short animated films for the children’s television series “Das feuerrote Spielmobil/The fire read playmobile”. Five episodes about best friends Pip and Bessie have been rediscovered, restored and are now being shown on the big screen. The later Woolly films feature the character Annie and her world, all crafted with knitting needles. A short film programme without dialogues, suitable for children from 6 years, but capable of fascinating all ages.

Following: short program STORIES WITHOUT WORDS

Without words but with clear messages, the programme convinces with its variety of topics – be it family or friendship. Exciting and instructive, it is ideal for a teaching unit and is also easy to understand for viewers with little or no knowledge of the German language.

Snowflakes and Carrots (Canada, 2010, 4′), Bottle (USA, 2010, 5′), Cherry on the Cake (UK, 2009, 8′), Anna Lovenstein (France, 2008, 8′), Jump (Norway, 2008, 1′) e Donkey (Norway, 2009, 5′).