Project Description
All films presented in Competition 18+ explore fantastic cinema, are highly educational and suitable for an audience composed of students aged 18 years and older.
Virus Tropical
Born in a not so conventional family, Paola finds herself unable to fit in any mould.
Tito and the birds
An unusual epidemic starts to spread and Tito embarks on a journey to save the world.
Nina, a 16-year-old girl, dreams of adventure. One day she sees a meteorite falling in the sky.
Seder Masochism
Seder-Masochism resurrects the Great Mother in a tragic struggle against the forces of Patriarchy.
Jury of Competition 18+
Adolescence is the age where experience is achieved by biting it off.
(Jack London)
The students of Jury 18+ will be watching and voting a selection of feature films. Proposed works and dealt themes fully reflect the psychological richness of this last phase of adolescence, as showed by the greater elaboration of fantastic, allegorical and science-fiction elements. The coming into adulthood, first responsibilities, the continuously undertaken and interrupted dialogue between different generations: these are some of the major themes of Competition 18+. After the screening, the students will vote through voting cards expressing a number between 1 and 10. Winning films of the Competition will be announced at the end of the Festival.
Competition 18+ is the most composite Festival section as proposed films and dealt themes fully reflect the psychological richness of this last phase of adolescence so that even the fantastic, allegoric and science fiction element further develops becoming more elaborate. The look adopted by these films is disenchanted as it tries to investigate unstable relationships between different generations composing today’s families. This section offers food for thought and confrontation opportunities to the young jurors. Mothers and fathers, facing the challenge of being parents and mentors, try to raise children that are almost in full possession of their psychophysical attitudes, whereas young adults feel more and more overwhelmed by contemporary world with all the responsibilities determined by their choices. This dialogue, often undertaken, often interrupted, represents one of the core themes of section 18+.
Each jury admits a maximum of three classes of students, who will be seated in the movie theatre respecting the social distancing dispositions.
The jurors will assign the competition awards using the decimal system and voting through voting cards. Proposed films have been selected among hundreds of works that directors from all over the world sent us. Winning films will be announced at the end of the Festival.
Film screenings will be in the morning (time window 8:30 – 11:00 am) and/or in the afternoon (time window 2:30 – 4:30/5 pm).
Yes, during the afternoon there will be Workshops and Masterclasses with specific proposals for every students’ age group. The Festival program also includes interactive space, premieres and screenings open to all.

Students attending VI and V year of High School and University