Project Description

The International Competition has the goal of proposing the best recent film production of fantastic cinema to an audience composed of young viewers between 6 and 19 years of age. The Competition is articulated into five categories, corresponding to different age groups of the students who will be watching and voting the films.

The Competition jurors

The Competition jurors will be students aged between 6 and 19 years, divided into five juries based on their age groups. First four juries will be watching and voting short films, while jury 18+ will be evaluating a selection of feature films. After the screening, the students will be voting via card, expressing a vote between 1 and 10. Winning films of the International Competition will be announced at the end of the Festival.

Each jury of students will watch films accurately selected by the Festival’s Artistic Direction considering peculiarities characterising different ages and growth phases of the young viewers. Genres, styles and narrations are therefore differently declined depending on the jury to whom the films are proposed: juries 6+, 9+, 12+ and 16+ will be watching and voting short film selections, while jury 18+, composed of students attending last years of high school, will be evaluating feature films.

Each jury admits a maximum of three classes of students, who will be seated in the movie theatre respecting the social distancing dispositions.

Students will be watching films of their Competition category and will be expressing their votes via card, indicating a number between 1 and 10. At the end of the Festival, winning films will be announced.
Film screenings will be in the morning (time window 8:30 – 11:00 am) and / or in the afternoon (time window 2:30 – 4:30/5 pm).

Yes, there will be also Workshops and Masterclasses taking place during the morning and the afternoon, with specific proposals for each age group. The Festival program includes also interactive space, premieres and screenings open to all.