Project Description

  • When? October 21st 2019 | From 6:00pm to 8:00pm | Palazzo dei Congressi, Largo Firenze 1, Ravenna

  • Who can participate? Students aged 18 and over – IV and V classes of Secondary School and University students

  • How? The Master Class is inserted into the Educational Offering Plan 2019 of Ravenna Municipality and is open to everyone

  • How long does it last? 2 hours

  • Is it free? Yes, all Visioni Fantastiche’s educational activities are free

“Why do we like fictional characters from whom, if we met their counterpart in the real world, we would be scared, rejected, horrified? What narrative mechanisms lead us to accept them as the focus of our attention as spectators? On what fundamentals does this form of distorted loyalty occur?”
Andrea Bernardelli, in his text “Serial Villains – atypical Characters in Contemporary TV Production”, tries to answer these questions, exploring and examining the concept of anti-hero, in an attempt to define the limits and understand the Italian television landscape. The Master Class starts from these arguments, to build a dialogue aimed at investigating the new ways of constructing and narrating the new protagonists of contemporary mass production.
An actor interpreting a famous role in a successful TV series will be present to tell us about the experience of a narration revolving around villains.

Conducted by Alessandro Iannucci and Andrea Bernardelli

Alessandro Iannucci is a university professor at the Department of Cultural Heritage of Ravenna. He is specialized in Greek literature and reception of the classics, in a research perspective oriented to the study and enhancement of cultural heritage.
Andrea Bernardelli, author of the text “Cattivi Seriali”, published by Carocci in 2017, and of “What is a TV series” (with G. Grignaffini, Carocci, 2017), he graduated in Philosophy at the University of Bologna with Professor Umberto Eco, and then received his PhD in Semiotics from the same University.


Supervisor Paola Di Natale

Phone / mob. +39 0544 464 812 / +39 338 406 6693