Project Description

France, 2018, 85′
by Romain Laguna
by Romain Laguna
Palazzo dei Congressi, Ravenna
from 9:00 to 11:00 am
Francia, 2018, 85’
Director: Romain Laguna / Screenwriter: Romain Laguna, Salvatore Lista / Producer: Charles Philippe, Romain Silvi / Cinematography: Aurelién Marra / Cast: Anne Beldiard, Lucille Ric / Editor: Heloïse Pelloquet / Music: Maxence Dussère
Nina, a 16-year-old girl, dreams of adventure. Meanwhile, she spends the summer between her village in the south of France and the theme park where she works. Just before meeting Morad, a teenager from an Algerian family living in the nearby projects, Nina sees a meteorite falling in the sky that seems only visible to her… as an omen.

The director: Romain Laguna
Romain Laguna born in a family of winegrowers and ex-student at the Femis, he has made three short films in collaboration with Charles Philippe and Lucille Ric. He began filming his first long film, “The Meteorites”, presented at the Mediterranean Film Festival of Montpellier in 2018 and was released in 2019.