Project Description

Germany, 2020, 12′
byRobert Hirschmann
byRobert Hirschmann
from 9:30 to 11:30 am
Germany, 2020, 12’
Director, Screenwriter, Cinematographer, Editor & Special Effect: Robert Hirschmann / Costume: Steffan Michaelis / Music: Calvin Luc / Cast: Jack Aubrecht, Calvin Luc, Johanna Mücke, Fynn Sand, Peter Kraska, Jasper Ihlenfeldt, Justus Lohmann and Jennifer Priesing
April 1945, World War II is coming to an end. 6800 Jewish exchange prisoners are going to be deported to the Bergen Belsen concentration camp in the Czech Republic. The first of three trains starts with 2,500 prisoners. But it will never reach his destination.

The director: Robert Hirschmann
Robert Hirschmann was born in 1999 and started making films in 2014. Over the years he made several short films. After graduating high school in Germany in 2018 he volunteered in a regional tv channel where Robert produced many tv reports. One of them won the “tv award middle germany for best tv report adults”. Since 2019 he has been trained as a media designer. He also produces Image films, music videos and advertising campaigns for clients.