Project Description

Wild Lea
Colombia, 2020, 9′
byMaría Teresa Salcedo
byMaría Teresa Salcedo
from 2 to 4 pm
Colombia, 2020 – 9’13”
Direction: María Teresa Salcedo / Production: Juan Camilo González / Executive Production: Isidro Salcedo / Writer: María Teresa Salcedo / Photography: Gonzalo Perea / Production Design: Marcela Sánchez / Editing: Carlos Serna / Sound: Manuel Borda / Animation: Andrea Sánchez, Mauricio Vargas / Cast: Olenka Rojas Álvarez, Jhoynner Andrés Cicery, César Antonio Muñoz, Luis Hernando Forero
LEA, a strong and lonely feral cat, will found out the complexity and the perks of friendship after falling from a tree and being taken care of (for the first time in her life) by CIRO, a very caring ragdoll, who will introduce her to his family of fixed-broken things.

The director: María Teresa Salcedo
María Teresa Salcedo is a Colombian filmmaker and screenwriter. She has worked as a filmmaker in awarded tv projects for children: “#MiraLoQuePasa” (#LookWhatHappens, Canal Capital-SED, 2016) was finalist in the Category of nonfiction programs for public from 11 to 15 years in the Prix Jeunesse International 2018 (Germany); “Te Re-Creo, tus noticias” (Te Re-Creo, your news, Canal Capital- SED, 2014) won the UNICEF prize at the Prix Jeunesse International 2014 (Germany). As a film director, her short film “Dos Golpes” (Two Knocks, 2010) was a winner at the Villa de Leyva Film Festival (Colombia). Currently, she has just finished “Lea Salvaje” (Wild Lea, 2020), a stop-motion animated short film for kids.