Project Description

  • When? October 24th 2019 | From 2:30pm to 4:30pm | Palazzo dei Congressi, Largo Firenze 1, Ravenna

  • Who can participate? A class of students between the 2nd year of Middle School and the 1st year of Secondary School

  • How? The workshop is inserted into the Educational Offering Plan 2019 of Ravenna Municipality

  • How long does it last? 2 hours

  • Is it free? Yes, all Visioni Fantastiche’s educational activities are free

That between magic and cinema is a bond that has always worked, as it has fascinated the public since the beginning. The workshop explores this link through the vision of some excerpts from the many films that were inspired by magic, from those for children to those that mix drama and magic, creating spectacular films that also enchant adult audiences.
Magician Matteo Cucchi will perform and teach participants how to use magic! It will show a great number of magic tricks: from the smallest, involving the disappearance of coins, to the truly incredible ones, such as mentalism. Each student will be able to experience first hand what it means to be a magician, having all the tools of the trade at his disposal!

The teacher: Matteo Cucchi – Magician

In love with magic since he was a child, he managed to grow this love up to the highest peaks of this art. Superb in Micromagia, pure manipulation in which cards, coins, various objects change color, disappear under the eyes of incredulous spectators. His tricks are only in the skill of the hands. The class with which he presents himself on stage is remarkable. The shows are taken care of, nothing is left to chance. Manipulations and visual effects always offer a magical effect from which springs a dream and a crackling smile of applause.


Supervisor Paola Di Natale

Phone / mob. +39 0544 464 812 / +39 338 406 6693