Project Description

  • When? October 23rd 2019 | From 9:00 to 11:00 | Palazzo dei Congressi, Largo Firenze 1, Ravenna

  • Who can participate? A class of students between 6 and 8 years of age – I, II and III classes of Primary School

  • How? The workshop is inserted within the Educational Offering Plan 2019 of Ravenna Municipality

  • How long? 2 hours

  • Is it free? Yes, all Visioni Fantastiche’s educational activities are free

A workshop for the little ones which consists of a game of light and shadows. Through the use of special lamps, a screen and cardboard shapes made by experts, children will enjoy seeing the projected shadows change dimension and interact with each other, and will create small narratives that recall the cinema of the origins.

The teachers: Danilo Conti and Antonella Piroli

Danilo Conti, director, author and actor, founded the Teatro Naku in 1990, which produces performances with objects, puppets and black theater techniques. In 1998 he founded the group “Tanti Cosi Progetti” together with the actress, performer and painter Antonella Piroli. The group, co-produced by Accademia Perduta Romagna Teatri and winner of numerous prizes and awards, realizes Un castello di carte (Special ETI Stregagatto Award 2002), I Tre Porcellini (Special Award ETI Stregagatto 1998 and Special Mention for animation of puppets) and, among others, L’osservatorio di Palomar (The country where you never die), Victòr, Hansel e Gretel, Cappuccetto Rosso, Il gigante egoista by Oscar Wilde, Il lupo e i sette capretti, Ulisse, chi era costui? (in co-production with Teatro Accettella of Rome), and many others.