The last unmissable, amazing, magnificent day of cinema at Visioni Fantastiche! Although the program started ending, the spectacularity of the screenings, contests and activities became so extraordinary that it captivated and amazed both schools and fans, with a lot of feelings and fun.

The program began at 8:30 am with the screening of Volition, film fiction directed by Tony Dean Smith included in the 18+ category of the International Contest. In the movie, James, the protagonist, can predict the future. Knowing that the events of his life are predestinated, he commits some little crime to feel something different. But when a vision reveals to him his imminent murder, James runs away. With a new female friend, he will try to change the destiny, which he already knows. The film was free and open to everyone.

At 11 am the last amazing activity started: “Realtà Fantastiche: VFX ed effetti speciali”, held by the supervisor of the special effects Giuseppe Squillaci. The goal of the activity was making students part of common experience: realizing a sequence with “VFX” and special effects. The participants made a little video doing different jobs, helped when they were using profession equipment.

In the afternoon, at 2:30 pm, Giuseppe Squillaci also held the last amazing lesson, which links to the previous activity: “VFX ed effetti speciali”. The Master Class was about the history of the special effects and visual effects through videos and original contents, showing to the crowd the peculiarities and curiosities of this work.

At 5 pm the incredible Master Class “Cinema e filosofia: l’amicizia alle soglie del tempo”, done by the Philosophy teachers Emanuela Serri and Rosella Giovannini, was held. The Master Class was based on the interpretation of “Arrival” by Denis Villeneuve, in relation to the philosophical thought made by Hannah Arendt in “L’umanità nei tempi bui”, with the goal of creating a discussion about the strength interpreted as logic of control and the transformative power of dialogue.

And the Grand Finale arrived: the prestigious and wished Awards Ceremony of Visioni Fantastiche. At 7:30 pm, the name of the film which had won the Award for Best Short Film of the 18+ category of the International Conmpetition, equivalent to 200,00 Euros, was revealed: “Bloody Fairy Tales” by Tereza Kovandová. The name of the filmmaker that won the Award for Best Film of the Festival was announced as well: “The Snow Queen: Mirrorlands” by Aleksey Tsitsilin. The Award for the Best Film of Visioni Fantastiche is the mosaic “The Labyrinthfor the garden of the prison of Ravenna, created by Associazione Disordine dei cavalieri della Malta e di tutti I colori, previous students and teachers of Ravenna Art School and Province.