Launched in 2018 by the Ravenna Nightmare Film Fest – the film festival that will take place at the Palazzo dei Congressi after Visioni Fantastiche – the Showcase Emilia-Romagna section this year extends its offer also to the new film festival for schools and the territory, proposing a unique selection of short films made with the support of the regional Film Commission or produced largely on our territory or as an Emilia-Romagna director.
On Saturday 26 October at 6.00 pm at the Palazzo dei Congressi we will screen the short films Butterflies in Berlin by Monica Manganelli, The Scream by Francesco Barilli, Mon Clochard by Gian Marco Pezzoli and The Passengers by Tommaso Valente. Present in the theatre, to meet the public after the screening, the directors and authors of the shorts, who will answer the questions of the spectators. As with all Visioni Fantastiche initiatives, admission is free and open to all.